At Timesbull ( (referred to as “We” or “Us”), we strive to deliver accurate and complete news reports. We acknowledge our responsibility to correct errors and inform readers promptly.

Commitment to Accuracy:

  • We fact-check stories based on our established Fact-Checking Policy.
  • We update articles containing errors as soon as possible.

Types of Corrections:

  • Correction: For significant factual errors in articles, captions, headlines, or multimedia content, we publish a correction explaining the change.
  • Clarification: When the information is accurate but requires clearer explanation, we rewrite the content for improved clarity. This may include adding comments, updates, or responses from stakeholders.
    • We use “[Correction: Updated Info]” at the article’s beginning for fact-check corrections.
  • Editor’s Note: For substantial errors impacting the entire article or raising ethical concerns, a senior editor may approve an editor’s note explaining the issue.

Reporting Inaccuracies:

  • Readers can report inaccuracies through the “Suggest a Correction” option at the end of each article or by emailing [email protected].
  • You can also report errors discovered in comments to our community engagement team.

Social Media Corrections:

  • We will correct errors published on social media platforms. If modification is not possible, we will retract the information.

Take-Down Requests:

  • We do not remove published articles based on take-down requests.
  • If inaccuracy is claimed, we will investigate and publish a correction if warranted.
  • We consider follow-up coverage or updates based on fairness, but we do not remove published content.
  • We will only consider take-down requests for publicly available personal data if the person involved faces physical harm.

Our Commitment to Continuous Improvement:

We take all reported inaccuracies seriously. While we don’t publicly assign blame, we use internal processes to identify and address recurring errors to enhance the accuracy of our reporting.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions about our Correction Policy, please contact our editorial team at [email protected].